The Code of Business Conduct of the Ferrero Group has been adopted in May 2011 and it has been published for the first time in the second CSR Report in June 2011.

Through this Code, the Group aims to share with its suppliers, trade partners, commercial agents, subcontractors, distributors, vendors and their employees, the Ferrero principles as well as the high Ferrero standards on excellence of its products.

The Code of Business Conduct is enforced to “business to business” relations, in compliance with the Ferrero Code of Ethics and it is based on 5 priorities:

1) Excellence of product quality and safety
2) Human rights commitment
3) Environmental protection and sustainability
4) Conditions of workplace environment
5) Business integrity

The Code will be shared through the ABCDE (A Business Code Dialogue Engagement) plan, which will be launched before 2013, as well as through an external assurance made by independent organisms.


The Ferrero Integrity Helpline is for reporting issues in relation to our Code of Ethics and/or our Code of Business Conduct confidentially. It is open 24-hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year and can be accessed in 43 languages. The Ferrero Integrity Helpline is managed by a third-party, Convercent. Once a report has been submitted to Convercent, it is immediately made available to a Ferrero Steering Committee for review.
Click here to connect to the Ferrero Integrity Helpline in order to ask a question, report an incident or find a local telephone number.